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Higher Education at Risk?

History warns that focusing on economics and top-down educational reform are ill-advised strategies, David C. Paris writes.

Letters to Dr. X

Christopher Bundrick shares an exchange of notes between an aspiring author and a journal editor.

Lessons From the Front Lines

Having survived the frenzy of campus crises, James H. Ammons and Christopher Simpson share some of what they learned -- and warn that eventually your institution will be in the crosshairs.

A Place to Read

Even in an era of wired students and adjuncts without offices, Terry Caesar writes that colleges must be places where people can spend quality time with books.


Is Google a menace to humanity, or at least to Europe? Scott McLemee searches for the answer.

A Short Note About a Long(itudinal) Topic

Data theft is not the only way a federal plan to track students could rob them of privacy, Bernard Fryshman warns.

No Time for Complacency

America is under-investing in basic research, and professors and members of Congress can't let that continue, Sen. Bill Frist writes.

The Politics That Should Be in the Classroom

Running for the school board prompts Matthew M. DeForrest to think about professors' attitudes about civic life.