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Jessica Quillin presents a set of dos and don'ts for higher education professionals who venture onto the social networking site.

Letting Go

Diana Chapman Walsh writes about the decision to retire from a college presidency and the transition to a different kind of life.

Tame Your Inner Critic

You have to understand this negative force to gain control over it, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

5 Marketing Questions

When a president interviews a potential chief marketing officer, Elizabeth Scarborough writes, there are questions the candidate needs to ask.

Summer Schemes

Eliza Woolf offers advice on strategy and perspective.

Writing IS Thinking

A narrow definition of writing may keep you from making progress, writes, Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Using Library Experts Wisely

Forget the usual orientation programs, writes Rob Weir. You gain more by making a librarian an integral part of your course.

Caught in Transit

Saundra Tracy and Jeff Abernathy, the departing and incoming presidents of Alma College, reflect on transitions.