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Elite High Schools and Online Education

How an online high school may help us rethink the traditional “college” experience for undergrads who can’t live on campus.

Debating the Definition of Learning Innovation

Bringing in some thoughts from Jason Palmer, Tannis Morgan and maybe you.

Why I Finally Read 'Sapiens'

How do you choose your nonfiction books?

A Day In the Life of This Alt-Ac

What are your alternative academic days like?

When a Professor Moves to an OPM

A conversation with Dr. Melora Sundt, Chief Academic Officer at Noodle Partners.

Why Reading ‘Never Split the Difference’ Is Helpful for Negotiating Academic Life

What the FBI’s former top international hostage negotiator can teach us about surviving academia.

7 Questions for Trace Urdan on OPMs

A conversation with a managing director at Tyton Partners.

The Case Against Learning Innovation

Frankly, it’s a little disquieting you would let your ideals blind you to reality.