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A View of an Opposing View

First, let me respond to David's request by posting a digital version of the hand-drawn sketch which is the working version of my current model of sustainability:

Motherhood After Tenure: What the AAUP Faculty Salary Survey Reveals

Two weeks after the publication of an attack on professors for not working enough to justify our salaries, the AAUP Faculty Salary Survey proves that there is no such thing as “a faculty salary.”

Adjunct Hero - Justin Myer Staller

Another in a seemingly endless supply of Adjunct Heroes

What’s New at University of Venus? 14 April 2012

What’s New at UVenus: ● Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe for University of Venus at The Guardian with What Would You Teach...

Minerva and the Quest to be Elite

The Minerva Project claims to “the first elite American University to be launched in a century.” While this statement may make for great PR, it is also wrong – both semantically and historically. And it also raises some interesting questions about elite vs. effective higher education.

Foundations of Strategy

Some traditional universities may be in a precarious position now, as new educational providers make inroads, new content providers make educational materials available more conveniently and cost effectively, and technology enables unbundling and greater individuation. The changes that have occurred in the higher education arena over the past decade – and those that are currently unfolding – have made formulating effective strategy more important for the long-term success of any university. And more people are questioning whether traditional universities are up to the task.

E-Books: What Next?

A colleague and I are interested in finding out more about how students use library books before we invest a lot of money in ebook collections. Given the unsettled state of the ebook market, there's no telling where we're all headed.

Gregory Androushchak: Purchasing Power and Academic Welfare

In our 28- country comparative study of academic salaries (See "Faculty Pay Around the World" by Scott Jaschik), we attempted to convey the value of different salaries by converting salaries to PPP, a mechanism that allowed us to compare the "buying power" of salaries in local economic context. The use of PPP has caused a lot of confusion. In this essay a member of the research team, Gregory Androushchak, attempts to clarify the value of using PPP for a complex comparative study like this one.