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HBCU Students Abroad

As HBCUs seek to grow study abroad, they send students to a more diverse mix of destinations outside traditional student stomping grounds in Europe.

Repressive Experiences 'Rare but Real' in China Studies

First-of-its-kind survey of China scholars seeks to quantify just how frequently they encounter repressive actions by the Chinese state intended to stop or circumscribe their research. A majority say self-censorship is a problem.

A Dream Denied

Everything was in place for a young woman from a poor family in Gambia to come to the U.S. to get a college education. But she can't get a visa.

For International Students, Shifting Choices of Where to Study

With international student enrollments falling or stagnating at the top two study destinations -- the U.S. and U.K. -- what does the picture look like around the world?

Far Right Turns Fire on German Universities

Using tropes common in the U.S. and Britain, the Alternative for Germany has accused institutions of being in thrall to the far left.

Did Trump Call Most Chinese Students Spies?

Politico reports that the president called "almost every student" from China a spy.

Ambivalent About International Students

Some students in Western nations see value in classmates from abroad; others aren't so sure.

Saudi Arabia to Withdraw Students From Canada

Withdrawal is ordered as part of larger diplomatic spat over Canadian criticism of Saudi arrests of human rights activists.