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Saudi Arabia to Withdraw Students From Canada

Withdrawal is ordered as part of larger diplomatic spat over Canadian criticism of Saudi arrests of human rights activists.

Power Grab in Poland?

Academics see ominous provisions in new higher ed law.

Brain Drain Costs Italy Its Best Academics… and Its Worst

Analysis of Italian Ph.D. graduates finds that the milk as well as the cream leave.

Confucius Institutes: Academic Malware and Cold Warfare

Confucius Institutes and classrooms installed in colleges and K-12 schools the world around function as propaganda branches of the Chinese government, writes Marshall Sahlins.

Can a $49 English Test Pass Muster?

Can a $49, AI-enabled, take-anywhere English skills test -- created by the developer of a free smartphone language app -- disrupt the crowded world of higher ed language assessment?

Not Feeling Safe in China

American academic leaves China after losing his post, saying that “China has reached a point where I do not feel safe being a professor and discussing even the economy, business and financial markets.”

China on the Rise

U.S. may be overtaken on research impact by mid-2020s, study finds.

Fighting Sexism in Latin American Academe

Leader of a university in Ecuador -- first woman to hold the post there -- discusses the culture she is trying to change.