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Judith Butler on Being Attacked in Brazil

Outside a conference she helped organize, the noted philosopher and gender theorist was burned (as a witch) in effigy. She describes the opposition and the experience of being attacked in this way.

The Evolving Demographics of South Africa’s Professors

Black academics will outnumber white academics within a decade. But progress has been greater at historically black institutions than predominantly white ones.

German University’s Religious Code

U of Hamburg will now let instructors decide whether to ban full-face veils in their classes.

‘The Doha Experiment’

New book by a former professor looks at the tensions and struggles behind what author describes as Georgetown’s “bold, important and interesting” experiment to bring American liberal education to Qatar.

Issues for Trump's OCR Nominee: Sexual Assault and… Israel

Many victims’ rights and civil rights groups are reserving judgment on Trump’s pick to lead the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, but advocates for Palestinian rights say his appointment could chill campus speech critical of Israel.

Opportunities Amid the Obstacles

Rather than withdraw from the Middle East and North Africa, colleges should encourage American students to study abroad in stable countries within the Arab world.

A President's Nontraditional Admissions Pitch

Throwing money in the air, hanging out with the mascot and humor are all part of the strategy for the leader of Northern State.

Macron’s Vision for a New Type of European University

As people wonder how it would work, a campus run jointly by French, Swiss and German universities offers insights.