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Lessons for Learning After the Crisis

When humanity is under threat, humans crave the humanities, write Emily Levine and Matthew Rascoff, and that ethos should guide higher education as it emerges from the coronavirus pandemic.

Cancel This Semester. Adopt a Coronavirus Student Bill Instead.

Rather than pursue an educational approach that will most likely fail, we should let students enroll in the fall with no tuition or living expenses charged, argues Amihai Glazer.

Survey: Challenges for Online Tutoring Programs

Results from a survey conducted by Primary Research Group show how colleges have moved their tutoring programs online. The 32...

Pandemic Forces Summer Classes to Move Online

Colleges announce shifts to their summer sessions and consider tuition discounts or fee waivers in some cases.

Embracing Break-and-Bake Cookies

Christopher R. Marsicano shares lessons learned from the first weeks of Zoom teaching.

Evaluating Teaching During the Pandemic

Some colleges are changing how they collect and consider student ratings of instructors, citing the COVID-19-driven move online. Might that undermine a widely criticized (and used) tool?

Turning the Tide on Online Learning

Only when it provides the full range of instructional connection points available in a traditional classroom will it begin to be a viable educational model, argues William G. Durden.

Accessibility Suffers During Pandemic

Students with disabilities and their advocates say access to equitable education has been abandoned in the scramble to move classes online.