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Close or Fight for Another Day?

The sudden closure of Sweet Briar College despite its $85 million endowment challenges all of us in higher education with the emotional and complex issue of when a struggling college should close.

April Fool(s)proof Speech Builder

A fool-proof guide to presidential speech-writing.

Presidential Decree to End Nasty Emails

If my 23 years as a senior administrator in higher education has taught me anything, it’s this: to be a leader on a college campus ... is to be a magnet for nasty emails, angry letters, vitriolic blog posts and acerbic face-to-face interactions.

Law Schools and Liberal Arts Colleges

The collapse in law school enrollments is a warning sign for liberal arts colleges.

Rebounding From a Major Disappointment

What happens when a college runs into a major disappointment? How do you discuss such matters in public?

When a President Needed to Recalibrate his Thinking

As a college president, having to step away from a project is not easy.

Staying Focused on Students

Keeping our eyes focused on students as the center of the educational enterprise is worthy of our best team effort.

Time Capsule Revelation

A campus discovery: A forgotten time capsule. What might it contain?