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Into the Wild

A month of teaching was just what I needed at the end of my first two years as president. And a transition for this blog ...

Campus Crisis

Last weekend we came far too close to every college president’s nightmare.


For all of our talk about the college’s carbon footprint, we at Alma have lately been discussing the many ways in which even a small college impacts the local community and environment.

Road Trip

A few years ago, as I was contemplating a step from provost to president, I asked a college president how he managed the demands of the job with young children who were just then entering high school. He replied that he had never found a satisfactory answer to the question but that ensuring daily conversations with his children, no matter where he was in the world, and building time into the schedule, were key.

Calculating Value

There has been much reporting in recent days about college costs and student debt, most of it depressing. The “Occupy...

Taking One for the Team

When our communications director suggested that I “star” in a jesting video for an event celebrating the College’s 125th anniversary...

Reflections on Year 1

Last June, I passed my one-year anniversary as a college president. It was an exciting year, with a major anniversary...