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How Much Does the Name of a Degree Matter?

Names are powerful. That’s why I understand Georgia Tech’s “X-Degree.”

What Constitutes a “Substitute” for Higher Ed?

We had some very interesting discussions in our Strategy and Competition in Higher Education class last night about "substitutes" for higher education and and whether they will become more attractive as the cost of obtaining a degree continues to rise and new alternative products and services emerge.

Make a Choice

While options are advantageous for obvious reasons, there is a point at which too much choice might actually make life more difficult.

Marketing as Strategy, Part Two: Start With What You Know

Research can be one of the great levelers, since different people throughout the institution have different knowledge and ideas about how the institution or school is perceived externally, based on who they interact with and how long they’ve been part of the organization.

Unexpected Optimism

The PEW Research Center published a report on February 9th entitled, "Young, Underemployed, and Optimistic." I was intrigued.

What a Difference a Decade Makes

Most people in higher education love to hate the rankings. Not me – I find them highly imperfect but fascinating.

Dual or Duel?

Increasingly, industries need individuals with a blend of bth content expertise and business acumen. As market forces become increasingly intertwined in both K-12 and postsecondary education, individuals with both content knowledge and management expertise have much to offer.

Musings on the MBA Market

Hats off to Kellogg! It’s rare to see a market leader remaking its up-to-this-point-wildly-successful business model, but this is exactly...