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A report released today by the Campaign for College Opportunity examines the growing population of Latinx people in California and their academic achievement.

According to the report, only 18 percent of Latinx adults in California have a college degree, compared to 34 percent of black people, 52 percent of white people and 62 percent of Asians in the state. Nine in 10 of the state's Latinx freshmen are enrolled in one of the state's public colleges, with 45 percent of them choosing the community college system. Forty-two percent of Latinx students attend California State University System institutions.

Latinx students' transfer rates from community colleges to universities are also improving, according to the report, with 67 percent of students transferring to a Cal State institution in 2016 compared to 57 percent in 2010.

The report also found that graduation rates improved by 11 percentage points for Latinx students in the Cal State system. And the time it took Latinx freshmen at University of California institutions to graduate decreased; only 38 percent of the Latinx students who entered college in the fall of 2000 graduated on time, or within four years, compared to almost half of the Latinx students who entered in the fall of 2010.