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The Social Impact of Humanities 'Inventions'

At a time when many are questioning the value of humanities scholarship, the Supreme Court ruling on right to marriage shows the creative impact of such research, Johann Neem writes.

Letter From the President

Are many small private colleges kidding themselves about their financial viability? Aden Hayes argues for better, clearer analysis by faculty members and administrators alike.

Data Are Always the Smoking Gun

The LaCour scandal is the latest example of the inadequacy of research training and the peer-review process, writes Felicia LeClere.

Firing Line

"What is it with Americans and guns?" the world asks. Scott McLemee looks for interpretations of free-range mayhem in the U.S.A.

Climbing Wall Convert

Richard Petrick used to scoff at colleges spending on recreational facilities. Then he started to visit them.

Ending Racism Is Still a Civil Rights Issue

After the horrific murders in Charleston, Michelle Asha Cooper writes, will higher education and American society be ready for honest discussions about race?

Reinventing Sweet Briar

The college is going to need to consider numerous changes to thrive in the future, writes Alice Brown.

Crossing the Pond

William G. Durden, an American college president who is now a dean in Britain, considers the possibility that undergraduates from the U.S. may follow his path.