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Revive Perkins Loans

Unless we can accommodate growing numbers of needy students, the consequences for them, for higher education and for our country’s future are enormous, writes Ray Cross.

Isn't It Shocking?

The new movie Experimenter, about social psychologist Stanley Milgram, makes the ethical questions concerning the deception and mistreatment of research participants much more tangible and pressing, says Scott McLemee.

Margaret Spellings's Vision for Higher Education

What might the new head of a leading university system do as president? Johann Neem looks at her federal commission's report for clues, and is not heartened.

A Parade of Horribles?

Why do admissions professionals engage in certain practices that some people question? W. Kent Barnds provides some answers.

Solving Yesterday's Problems Constrains Tomorrow's Solutions

The onus is on policy makers to create new regulatory frameworks to support needed innovation in areas like competency-based education, writes Paul LeBlanc.

Crucial Higher Ed Issues: The Elevator Speech

Can you name the top six challenges facing higher education -- in two minutes? Carl Strikwerda asks.

Accreditation's Real Cost (and Value)

Recent studies to the contrary, most colleges and schools don't spend very much on process of ensuring students get the best education possible, write Belle S. Wheelan and Mark A. Elgart.

Paperless, Please

While it's possible today to conduct every state of the writing process without ever touching a piece of paper, to Scott McLemee, it sounds like a relentless hell of perfect efficiency.