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Reason vs. Guns and Denial of Global Warming

Academics need to embrace the facts in their classrooms about important social issues, however risky it may be, writes Steve Wolverton.

Arming Our Campuses Is Not the Answer

If we can't rid campuses of guns, we must create security checks throughout them, argues Jeffrey Ian Ross.

Trigger or Not, Warnings Matter

Whether using the term "trigger warning" or not, professors should give students a heads-up about potentially traumatic content in the classroom, Julie Winterich writes.

Let's Bid Farewell to the Carnegie Unit

Educational institutions need a new accounting system to meet the demands of our information economy, Arthur Levine argues.

Who Was That Masked Man?

Writer, professor, tattoo artist … not so daring now, but 60 years ago, it was another story. Scott McLemee on the lost essays of a wild one.

Expand Work-Study’s Community Service Requirement

It will help students not only pay for college and develop skills in a real-world setting but also tackle important social issues, write Marvin Krislov and Robert Hackett.

I Remember

A poem by Laurence Musgrove for Umpqua Community College.


What student-focused innovation is waiting to transform higher education in the way the passenger-focused transport service has challenged taxis? Terrell Halaska asks.