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Where the Football Union Fight Goes Next

Unless several crucial issues are dealt with swiftly and appropriately, write Christine Helwick and Jeffrey Orleans, they have the potential of totally upending college sports.

Rethinking State Support for Higher Ed

Concerns among policy makers and the public are mounting over reductions in state spending on public higher education, but what's missing is a serious conversation about whether those cuts are fairly distributed, write Sara Goldrick-Rab and Tammy Kolbe.

A Critical Scholar With a Dirty Little Secret (or Two)

When it comes to personal enjoyment of popular culture, academics should not have to apologize to each other, says Christina Berchini.

Purity at Expense of Unity

If the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities attempts to establish a set of litmus tests for its members, it will accomplish little and imperil its future, writes Mark Putnam.

Fearful Asymmetry

Obfuscation: it's not just for post-structuralists anymore. Scott McLemee discusses a book on creating privacy in digital society.

What We’ve Learned From MOOCs

Massive open online courses have not lived up to their early hype -- what could? -- but they’ve made important contributions nonetheless, write John Mitchell, Mitchell Stevens and Candace Thille.

How Did You Get Stuck Being a College President?

For college and university presidents who must deal with ever-growing challenges, Susan Resneck Pierce offers some advice.

The Desire Path of Texting

Like it or not, texting is the new normal, and in the name of student success, faculty members must move forward.