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The Big Ten

After hundreds of columns in the course of the past decade, Intellectual Affairs takes stock. Scott McLemee wonders whatever became of Ivan Tribble.

#libedunbound, or 'Forbidding Mourning'

We shouldn't mourn the demise of liberal arts colleges, writes Eva Badowska. We should embrace new and evolving forms of liberal education.

Did You Notice Where the Super Bowl Was Played?

Karen Gross considers the implications of a marketing buy that most colleges could never even dream about.

Time and Money

Higher education shouldn't rush to give up the credit hour, writes Johann Neem.

Learning From a Bold Experiment

Florida's remedial reform law poses both complex challenges and valuable opportunities, writes Shouping Hu.

The Shape of Things to Come

The new site 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication charts the tech explosion. Scott McLemee has a look.

Valediction for the Liberal Arts

It's too late to save an invaluable form of higher education, writes Victor E. Ferrall Jr.

Yik Yak Rhetorics

Jeff Rice wonders if the public discussion about the offensive comments on the popular app is missing the real significance of what students are communicating.