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From Lulz to Lawmaking

Some online political discussions lead to offline mobilizations and others don't. Scott McLemee looks at a sociological study of the difference that anonymity makes.

Socrates Untenured

Socrates couldn’t get a job today in a philosophy department. Robert Frodeman and Adam Briggle think that’s a problem.

Philosophy: Download It for Free

Philosophers should embrace new media as a tool to broaden their discipline's influence, Peter Adamson writes.

The Higher Ed Austerity Deal Is Falling Apart

Christopher Newfield sees signs of unrest in what has been a political consensus that has seen the erosion of support for public higher education.

An Intimate Education

The Great Books can be relevant and life-changing for classes of low-income students and for those fortunate to teach them, writes Tamara Mann.

Have MOOCs Helped or Hurt?

Randy Best writes that, despite all the hype, the massive course trend may be more faddish than influential.

Itinerant Humanities

James Joyce's travels may offer a model for disciplines that feel under siege, writes Agata Szczeszak-Brewer.

Hall of Shame

The retraction of papers is an embarrassing thing, usually done as quietly as possible -- but not if Retraction Watch can help it. Scott McLemee brings the noise.