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Where's the Evidence?

There are many ways to measure learning that takes place outside of traditional classrooms. John F. Ebersole wants to know why MOOCs aren't using the available techniques.

The New For-Profits

Nonprofit colleges and universities are using a new breed of corporate entities to take their academic programs online. The institutions may be giving away too much money and control, Paul LeBlanc warns.

Is Teaching 'Junk Science' Protected by Academic Freedom?

Marjorie Heins considers the controversy over a course offered at Ball State University, and argues that this is about more than any absolute right.

Skewing Dude-ward?

Despite two generations of work by feminist literary critics, a study indicates that new books by men get disproportionate attention from reviewers. Scott McLemee reports from the literary battlefront.

Preventing Separate and Unequal

A new report from the Century Foundation offers a pathway to a revolution for community colleges. Wick Sloane urges the colleges' presidents and students to hear the call.

A Naming Opportunity

As dean of students, Lee Burdette Williams is responsible for reading graduates' names at commencement -- an honor that carries with it anxiety as well as excitement.

Commencement Handshakes

Lane Glenn reflects on the grips and styles of this year's graduates.

Higher Ed in 2018

Jeb Bush and Randy Best predict a period of significant change for colleges and universities -- from a provider-driven model to a consumer-driven model.