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We Need More Than STEM

President Obama and other politicians shouldn't embrace science and technology by neglecting history and other fields, writes Kenneth Pomeranz.

Waiting Online

David Galef takes a peek inside the discussion forum for a massive open online course about a certain play by Samuel Beckett.

Where Are the Learners?

One group seemed largely missing from the digital learners' bill of rights that a group of educators and others released this week, writes Anya Kamenetz: online learners themselves.

Learning From MOOCs

Andrew Ng on what MOOCs and the "Wild West" of higher education are teaching professors.

Being Present

Bob Samuels presents a case against distance education, which he says is trying to replicate large lecture classes rather than the best of academe.

Before the E-text

Old-fashioned books take up a lot of space -- both on our shelves and in our heads. Scott McLemee grapples with a new volume on reading.

Free Comes with a Price Tag

Aaron Swartz was wrong about the law and the economics of journals, writes Rob Weir.

A Chance to Advance

Departments have no business punishing adjuncts or those who haven't earned tenure if they seek other positions, writes Nate Kreuter.