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Creative Writing Is Not a Fast Food Nation

Five professors in the field answer criticism that they say is based on an out-of-date idea about what goes on in their classrooms.

Sneak Previews

What's coming from university presses in the months ahead? Scott McLemee begins a survey of the fall and winter crop.

Does History Matter?

The Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage illustrates the discipline's centrality to understanding of crucial issues today, writes Steven Mintz.

Innovation Exhaustion and a Path to Moving Forward

MOOCs, competency-based education and other reforms are worthy ideas, writes Dan Greenstein. But in the chase for the next big thing, some have forgotten the goal of improving higher education, not just making it more efficient.

What Is College For?

Powerful forces threaten to re-order higher education. Predictions of massive destruction are overstated, but the coming storm will force colleges to figure out what they want to do, writes Dan Currell.

The Legal Future of Affirmative Action

Rod Smolla sees signs of new limits ahead -- both in this week's decision and in the justices' statements during oral arguments.

The Bipartisan Exception

Immigration reform has the potential to become law, and college and university leaders need to rally behind the bill emerging from the Senate, writes Peter McPherson.

Spam Wars

From Monty Python to your e-mailbox, it's everywhere. Scott McLemee finds its history surprisingly digestible.