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Three men push against a wall-like barrier

Supporting First-Year Doctoral Students

Zora M. Wolfe, Katia Ciampa and Ashley DiRienzo share three ways to help remove some of the barriers students seeking Ph.D.s confront.

Woman standing in a brightly lit open door looking into a room with the pathway displaying a large question mark

Dealing With Career Culture Shocks

Understanding their basic pattern can help you succeed, whether you’re learning a new academic institution, organization or sector, writes Vanessa Doriott Anderson.

Photo of a category 5 hurricane

Preparing for Weather Disasters

Matthea Marquart, Katherine Segal and Kelly Smith highlight questions faculty and administrators should consider to protect students and classes in extreme situations.

Silouhette of figure pushing a bright red clock up a dark arrow that is pointing downward

The Pros and Cons of Long-Serving Leaders

Beyond the positive impact they can have on institutions, they must also guard against less considered challenges that come with decades of service, writes Erin Hennessy.

White cubes with black lettering spelling FACT is turned at the C and T to spell in red FAKE

We Are the Targets

Tamara Schwartz outlines how instructors can combat the information warfare that pervades society by teaching students information and disinformation literacy skills.

Three people sitting on or around a globe, suggesting they are working from different regions

Co-Editing Across Institutions

Robin Brooks and Meina Yates-Richard suggest five steps toward successful collaborations that extend scholarly conversations and benefit you and your university.

magnifying glass looks at letter with check marks that correspond to check marks on four little papers on the side--implying someone has "checked all the boxes"

Cultivating References Over the Long Haul

Kay Kimball Gruder describes how to be more intentional about this career practice so it’s a great process for you and those you ask for a recommendation.

Accepted with an asterisk written in white letters on a black background

McCarthyism and Moral Panic

Policing of language among those who should uphold the university as a vital democratic space for debate has led to paranoia and anxious conditions, writes Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt.