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An illustration of a woman meditating at a desk, with a stack of books on one side of her and a laptop on the other; above her are icons suggesting digital disruptions, including emails, notifications and calendar alerts.

‘What About Us?’

Institutions must invest in faculty and staff well-being at work, Vicki L. Baker and Rebecca Pope-Ruark write.

Word “accepted” with asterisk written in white letters on a black background

A Path to Wellness for Women of Color Academics

Kenyatta Y. Dawson writes of the power of slowing down.

A male teacher sits on a desk as he instructs class.

All in a Day’s Work: 3 Stories of Changing Lives

Three professionals working in higher education share testimonies of how they’ve impacted students’ learning and future goals.

An illustration of a gauge indicating three levels of satisfaction—a red section with a frowning face, a yellow section with a neutral face, and a teal level with a smiling face. The needle points to the low end of the yellow, neutral range. A female standing atop the gauge has lassoed the needle with a rope and appears to be attempting to pull it toward the smiling, positive side of the gauge.

Imagining More Sustainable Higher Ed Careers

Genia M. Bettencourt, Lauren N. Irwin and Rosemary J. Perez offer strategies for achieving more sustainable careers even as they call for a deeper reimagining of roles.

Scales of justice in front of a legal textbook

Law Faculty Are More Racially, Gender Diverse Than Ever

However, first-generation students and graduates of less selective law schools still struggle to break in, according to a new study.

Study: Women, People of Color Underrepresented in Top Jobs

Women and people of color are underrepresented in higher education’s best-paying jobs, a new study from the College and University...

Faculty, Staff Turnover Rates See Post-Pandemic Decline

Voluntary faculty and higher education staff turnover, excluding retirements, decreased in 2023–24 after two years of sharp rises, according to...

Switching Off From Work: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Jane Gifkins, a research fellow at Griffith University, examines the benefits of switching off after...