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Chairs Can Be the Changemakers Colleges Need
Don Chu argues that department chairs should take a much more proactive role in confronting institutional budget challenges.

A Guide to Department Chair Merit Badges
What if, Hollis Robbins asks, chairs could earn ceremonial merit badges for accomplishing feats that only those in academia could truly appreciate?

Learning a Language Called ‘How to Provost’
Laurie McLary reflects on what it’s like to wholly, humanly inhabit an administrative role whose language and norms you are only just learning.

A Satirical Toolbox for Deans
Lisa Chasan-Taber and Barry Braun offer advice on how to fail at being a dean without really trying.

Rebooting the Presidency
If we help our campus leader have a more balanced role, it will lead to meaningful gains in presidential effectiveness, satisfaction and longevity, writes Ryan Hays.

3 Mindset Shifts and 6 Strategies Leaders Shouldn’t Forget
The pandemic may be over, Patrick Sanaghan and Erica Barreiro write, but top administrators should still use its lessons to navigate today’s challenges.

A Campus Leader Needs to Find Their Social Voice
If you’re a president or aspire to such a role, you’ll do a better job if you gain your social media footing, write Rachael Hagerstrom and Laurie Fenlason.

The Provost as Swiss Army Knife
Theresa Billiot offers strategies for how top academic officers can drive positive institutional change while maintaining their own well-being.
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