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Asian woman sits at a desk looking at a computer with concern, while three men stand behind her also looking worried

How Presidents Can Best Work With Faculty During Crises

They must do what they always expect to do and, at the same time, do something completely novel, write Peter Eckel and Courtney Chandler.

Man in a suit standing on a crag looking through a telescope at the path to the top of a very steep mountain in the distance

Leading Through the Hard

A college presidency is often exceptionally difficult, but it can be a dream job if it aligns with your purpose and vocation, writes Mary Dana Hinton.

Spotlight shining on two or three people in a large crowd

A Better Approach to Searches for Successful College Presidents

David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler encourage colleges to think beyond the model they often use, highlighting some problematic assumptions and practices.

Bull's-eye with only one blue dart hitting center, with three missing or mostly missing it

How I Failed My First Presidency

Reflecting on his previous performance before leading a new institution, Chato Hazelbaker sees three key areas for improvement.

Man with megaphone yelling at a woman who is seated with her head in her hands

The High Cost of Tolerating a Toxic Employee

Inaction is not an option, writes Jenny Silver. It’s magical thinking to believe that unprofessional behavior will simply disappear without intervention.

Professional woman wearing a suit stands in front of mirror examining her reflection, in which she is also wearing a cape like an action hero

The Delicate Balance of Authentic Leadership

The public’s growing awareness of inauthentic messages and actions leaves almost no room for missteps, writes Amy Kristof-Brown.

Large dark hand raises man carrying briefcase on its thumb, while he raises a flag in accomplishment

Elevating Staff Voices in Higher Education

Christine Moskell offers lessons she’s learned about how colleges can tap staff members’ expertise and harness their full potential.

Trip wire attached to a grenade in a tree

Avoiding Trip Wires

Marisa Quinn has compiled a list of dos and don’ts for newly appointed college and university leaders to consider while preparing for their positions.