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Illinois Launches Transfer Admission Guarantee

Students who graduated from an Illinois high school, no matter where they’re currently enrolled, will soon be guaranteed transfer admission...

Empowering Students and Simplifying Credit Mobility

The CUNY T-Rex High School Gateway site offers dual-enrollment students and their counselors a valuable tool to understand how dual-enrollment credits translate.

Transfer Champions Unite

Join the creation of a comprehensive, dynamic transfer resource hub built by and for the transfer community.


How Are Faculty, Staff and Students Really Using CUNY Transfer Explorer?

Ithaka S+R’s research highlights how a diverse group of users is using (or not) the credit mobility tool.

Three university students are seen sitting together in class as they work together on an assignment. They have a laptop open between them as they each give input for the assignment.

Boosting Transfer Ease, Success With New Initiatives

Transfer processes continue to impact student degree attainment. Read about how six colleges and universities are working to smooth out challenges.


Reducing the Costs of College Transfer

How some institutions are removing barriers through student-centered policies.


Does Solving Credit Mobility Require Retiring the Completion Agenda?

We need a paradigm shift in thinking about transfer and completion.

An illustration of a man climbing a ladder toward an outstretched hand holding three books topped with a trophy and graduation cap.

Three Perspectives on Transfer

It’s time to reassess the transfer student pathway, Stephen J. Handel and Eileen L. Strempel write.