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Thank You, Doug Lederman

A moment to reflect on what IHE and the people who created it have meant to me and others.


ChatGPT-4o Shows ‘Friendly’ Behavior

The app initiates personalized conversations and offers responses without a prompt. This signals a shift toward agentic AI, where models act more like colleagues.

The Human Face of Addiction

Addiction through the lens of the arts and the humanities.

Authenticity and Alienation

How existentialism shaped—and then faded from—modern thought.

Helping Students Navigate a Maze of Simulacra

In hyperreality, truth is a construct, fact is a matter of perception and the line between reality and fiction disappears.

The American Talent Initiative Was Doomed From the Start

Helping low-income students compete better in a game rigged against them is never going to move the needle.