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Liaison announced today that it has acquired TargetX.
Liaison helps more than 1,100 colleges manage admissions through its Centralized Application Service technology and related recruitment marketing, processing and support services. It also works with professional associations to manage admissions systems in the health professions, engineering and other fields. TargetX is a customer relationship management company that works with colleges to manage their applicants, students, alumni and donors.
A statement from George Haddad, founder and CEO of Liaison, said, “Liaison is committed to serving the full student lifecycle. Together, we will complete the full lifecycle solution -- reaching potential applicants earlier and engaging students, not only after they enter the classroom, but when they are about to enter the workforce and beyond. TargetX’s proven solutions will complement our existing enrollment marketing efforts and their retention software will help us take the next step in realizing this goal. We’re excited to work with their passionate, forward-thinking team to drive higher education forward.”
A statement from Sasha Peterson, CEO of TargetX, said, “Transforming the way that colleges and universities support their prospects, students and alumni has long driven our work at TargetX. By joining the Liaison family of solutions and services, we’ll truly be able to fulfill our promise to ‘make every student a graduate and every graduate a success.’”
Together, the two companies serve nearly 1,500 colleges and universities.