For all the success of American colleges and universities in attracting international students, they face growing challenges. Other countries with top universities are going after the best students. And these countries tend to have more favorable immigration laws for those international students who want to stay on after earning degrees. At the same time, the countries that send many students to the United States – in particular China and India – are quickly building new universities and building up existing institutions. Online offerings also raise questions about whether some international talent will study remotely in the future. Inside Higher Ed editor Scott Jaschik discusses these issues and strategies of other universities in this free webinar. Before attending the webinar, we invite you to download our free booklet, Recruiting International Students, a compilation of articles from Inside Higher Ed. 

Inside Higher Ed's Recruiting International Students webinar is made possible with support from ETS, whose GRE® Search Service and TOEFL® Search Service help higher education institutions around the world recruit students who are the “right fit” for their programs.

View the webinar below, and download the accompanying slide deck here


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