As the economic downturn drags on, new college graduates continue to face a tough job market. And prospective college students (not to mention their parents) are increasingly looking at how colleges actually prepare students for careers. While some colleges have long embraced this mission, other colleges worry about the impact on traditional liberal arts orientations – even as they also worry about being attractive and relevant to students. This webinar explores why and how colleges are rethinking the role of career services and career centers.

Andy Chan, vice president for personal and career development at Wake Forest University and organizer of the recent conference “Rethinking Success: From the Liberal Arts to Careers in the 21st Century,” offers a presentation that  covers among other topics:

  • Why career centers are increasingly important in attracting prospective students and assuring their parents, as well as insuring successful outcomes at graduation.
  • The importance of career development at institutions where some or all students are in liberal arts programs.
  • The role of academic programs and faculty related to careers (for students in a range of fields).
  • How career development should be revamped given the current economy.
  • Future directions for career development in higher education.

This program is ideal for professionals in:

  • Student affairs
  • Admissions
  • Academic affairs
  • Career services

The entire program lasts one hour.


Andy Chan became vice president for personal and career development at Wake Forest University in 2009. Chan was previously assistant dean and director of the MBA Career Management Center at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Before joining Stanford, Chan served as president and CEO of eProNet, an online recruiting and career network based on relationships with university alumni associations. Earlier, he was president and CEO of MindSteps, a corporate education software start-up. Chan earned his B.A. and M.B.A. at Stanford University.

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