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The Art of Giving a Credible Recommendation
Vanessa Doriott Anderson offers advice on a process that, if done well, should be anything but perfunctory.
In Search of Lost Time
As the new academic year begins, Vanessa Doriott Anderson raises some key questions to ask yourself to help you manage your time more effectively.
Dealing With Career Culture Shocks
Understanding their basic pattern can help you succeed, whether you’re learning a new academic institution, organization or sector, writes Vanessa Doriott Anderson.
New Metaphors to Guide Career Development
The standard one for graduate students is the ladder, which by its very nature compels us to climb, writes Vanessa Doriott Anderson. But careers can take unexpected turns.
The Many Ways Humanists Matter
The humanities are framed as in constant crisis, writes Vanessa Doriott Anderson, but, in fact, they prepare grad students extraordinarily well for the world of work.