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The Boy called from college on Monday.  


Me:  How’s it going?


TB:  Kind of crappy.


Me:  Is the job getting in the way of your classes?


TB:  (chuckles) No, nothing like that.  Academically, everything’s good. It’s social.  Actually, I was hoping to get your advice on it.


He was hoping to get my advice on it!


Parenting achievement: unlocked.


I listened, and offered what I could.  He has really good instincts; I mostly wound up just validating some decisions he had already made.  I was especially happy to hear some real self-awareness in his descriptions. He was much closer to a resolution than he had admitted to himself; I think he just needed to hear it spoken back.


He’s finding his way.  That’s all I can ask. Our hope for him is to be the good man he’s capable of being.  In a new and potentially overwhelming setting, he’s finding his bearings. He’s finding that challenges suit him.  


It’s gratifying to see him handle tough situations on his own, and do it well.  If he needs a little reassurance now and then, well, that’s what family is for.


Parenting from a distance is different, but it’s still parenting.  I’ll take it.




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