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The next day, early, we headed for Market Square, in downtown San Antonio. The Market is a first stop for many tourists, with its good restaurants, food carts, performers, and more than 100 shops and stalls selling pottery, jewelry, rugs, and all manner of geedunk.

As Matt puts it, “It’s a place where the locals have a chance to come and take advantage of the tourists and be themselves in the process.”

The Market wasn't his (or our) first choice to visit, but we needed to regroup. He’d heard that a vendor was selling a t-shirt with a lotería card on it that showed our president in his red tie, and the words “El Pendejo 45.” It took him an hour to find someone who would admit to having the transfer. The vendor ironed it on to order, because the shirt isn’t displayed.

Richard, Tony, and Jose are Los Romanticos, a mariachi band in La Margarita Restaurant and Bar in Market Square.


Lovely Rose Peña, a native of San Antonio, is a dancer with Ballet Folklorico de San Antonio. She has traveled internationally with the group and was wearing her State of Veracruz dress for the performance they would give later that day on the Farmers Market Food Court Stage.





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