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Mrs. Churm was on Capitol Hill last week with NAFSA: Association for International Educators to help raise congressional awareness of the importance of cultural exchange and to give another award to a senator. I stayed home with 60 students, one pile of ungraded essays, two little boys, and a highly infectious strain of stomach flu.

I was cheered when Mrs. Churm convinced me our martyrdom was not in vain by bringing home photographic evidence that National Treasure II  is in production. Here is her snapshot of the backs of Nick Cage and Harvey Keitel, who are plotting something. Or arguing. Or reciting love sonnets to one another.

I have to admit I have no idea what they might be up to, since I never saw the first National Treasure . Going by trailers and glimpses of talk-show appearances, I gather that the film was, to paraphrase the infamous Vietnam War statement, about destroying one of our country’s founding documents in order to save that founding document.

That sounds about right for the times we live in.