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It's now a year since I started this series of miscellaneous ramblings. At such times the mind reflects, and may or may not like what it sees in the mirror. Since I'm often of two minds, mine tends to do both.
On that note (that ditone?), I was comforted recently by a passage I found in the works of the sociologist Fernand Dumont. Reflecting on his own (far more extensive) writings, he warned his readers that "I do not apologize for not having used here the last word in theoretical models or for not having produced a manifesto, since from my point of view understanding is an attempt to bring harmoniously together those matters which theories and manifestos properly ignore. This excuses, too, the fact that at times I repeat myself ... For the cohesion that each man, with his personal understandings and commitments, can give to his reason and feelings, cannot be developed with the single-line progression of theorems or have the perpetual newness of poems. We can only advance if we keep reviving and working over the themes of our greatest hopes."
With the exception of including the other 51% of the population in the discussion, I couldn't have said it better myself. Which, of course, I didn't.