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Screenshot of GradHacker on Pinterest



Andrea Zellner is a Phd student in the Ed Tech/Ed Psych program at Michigan State University and the pinner behind GradHacker. She can be found procrastinating on Pinterest and on Twitter at @AndreaZellner.

GradHacker first discussed the social network Pinterest in April of 2012, and we are finally taking our own advice and setting up an account. As GradHacker Terry Brock described it in his post on the subject, "The tool itself is simple: when you find something you think is interesting,  you ‘pin’ it to a topical Pinterest board that you have created. This reveals a collection of ‘pins’ about different topics or themes."

Here are some boards we've created to get started:

While we are just warming up, a few more boards are in the works including pinning quick, easy, and inexpensive recipes for the GradHacker on a budget, our favorite tech tools, and maintaining grad school/life balance.

What would you like to see us pin on Pinterest? How have you used Pinterest as a grad student or academic?