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Greetings, GradHacker readers! We’re back from our summer hiatus and look forward to another year of conversation about how to make the most of our time in graduate school—both inside and outside the classroom. Please join the discussion here at Inside HigherEd, at our Facebook page, or on Twitter.

We’ll begin regular posting again on Monday, August 18. This week, we invite you to “Meet the GradHackers.” The old hands include both editors and a number of permanent authors. We are also welcoming five new authors, and a new Managing Editor. We’ve asked everyone to share a bit about themselves, their graduate work, and their non-scholarly lives so you could become acquainted with the 2014-15 GradHacker team. At the bottom of each post, check out a few of our favorite back-to-school classics from the GradHacker archives.

Maura Elizabeth Cunningham (New Managing Editor)

I’m in the process of finishing and filing my PhD in modern Chinese history at UC Irvine. Throughout grad school, I’ve written and worked for different websites, including China Beat and ChinaFile, and I warmly embrace the title “engaged academic.” I’ve lived in Shanghai for almost two years, where I combine the roles of professor and tour guide as an instructor for the CET study-abroad program. You can learn more at my website, or follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram.

Erin Bedford (Permanent Author)

I'm now entering my second year as a GradHacker and fourth year as a grad student. I'm studying in a joint PhD program in nanotechnology engineering between the University of Waterloo in Canada and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI) in France. My research involves developing nanoparticles for the separation and detection of biomolecules. When I'm not in the lab, you can find me cycling or cooking, or on a bus, train, or plane heading to do some combination of the above.

Natascha Chtena (Permanent Author)

I am a second-year PhD student in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. My professional background is in journalism and magazine publishing, and my research looks at the online education movement and the future of education more broadly. I hold a masters in Cultural Studies and Comparative Education from UCLA, and a masters in Media Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. In my free time I enjoy cooking, scuba diving, fishing, and road trips. You can follow me at Twitter @nataschachtena.

Hanna Peacock (New Permanent Author)

I just finished my MSc looking at scar-free wound healing in geckos. This fall I will be starting a PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences at the KU Leuven (Belgium). My research will focus on understanding how the mechanical forces created by blood flow induce changes in the blood vessels of the embryo. Outside of the lab I enjoy photography, hiking, and cycling. This will be my first year writing for GradHacker and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful community. You can learn more on my website or follow me on Twitter.

From the Archives

Jason Shafer, “Going Paperless from Day One: Digital Academic Workflow for Grads”

Alex Galarza, “Productivity Systems”

Katie Shives, “Hack Your Workspace with Ergonomics: How to Keep Your Degree from Destroying Your Body”