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All Aboard is a digital skills/knowledge/capability project for Irish higher education. The stated goals/topics for the initiative include: digital skills, resource development, digital badges, and increasing participation.
One of the most popular resources to come out of the project is the Digital Skills Interactive Metro Map. Each node or station on the map represents a different digital skill. When you hover or mouse over each one, additional information/resources appear. The map is "a visual representation of the principal idea of a framework for digital skills that will be of use across the Irish higher education sector."
Additionally, a detailed report on digital skills on the All Aboard website includes terminology, models, frameworks, and examples in practice for anyone in higher education who is interested in learning more about "enabling & empowering staff & students to flourish in the Digital Age."
There is also a section on Digital Badges on the site. Included in this section is a resource-rich downloadable "Badge Pack" toolkit as well as some highlights and links to more information about digital badges.
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