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It is now day 3 at EDUCAUSE 2010. I've been to countless meetings, sat in on a few sessions, and had a great time touring the exhibit hall. The amount of high level strategic thinking that's taking place has been phenomenal. The future of higher education technology is being shaped as I write this post.
As a student affairs professional, I have made a concerted effort to ask every vendor that I speak with about how their product, service, or solution will benefit student affairs divisions and/or functional areas. Very few of the conversations taking place at EDUCAUSE 2010 involve leaders in student affairs administration. I've felt like a missionary at EDUCAUSE. I cycle through the list of student affairs functional areas in my head as I peruse the exhibit hall thinking about how we fit in. Most of my conversations with vendors have started out with their "pitch" and ended with me telling them all about how student affairs could benefit from their product.
I started thinking about what would happen if more senior student affairs officers were in attendance. How amazing would it be to have student affairs leaders at the same conference as our leaders in information technology? The possibilities for cross-disciplinary collaboration coupled with conversations with industry leaders could create space for amazing higher education technology breakthroughs. Student affairs needs technology solutions just as much as technology solution providers need student affairs. Enhanced services and expanded business opportunities would abound.
What do you think? Should student affairs have more of a presence at EDUCAUSE? Is EDUCAUSE ready for us? Are we ready for EDUCAUSE?
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