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The folks running the EDUCAUSE 2010 Annual Conference (#EDUCAUSE10 if you're on Twitter) have done an amazing job of providing online functionality for attendees. I have been thoroughly impressed. Customizable schedules, a really nifty mobile website, scannable ID cards, and unique hashtags for sessions are just a few of the many ways that this conference has leveraged technology.
My only concern going into this event was whether or not the amount of ultra-tech-connectedness would translate to in-person community building. It's day 2 for me at EDUCAUSE and I can say without any hesitation that the people are what make this a great conference. I love the gadgets, the solutions, the copious amounts of intentional jargon, and the gigantic booths (Google's booth is large enough to install a climbing wall on it and still have room for white space). However, the connections I have made with higher education practitioners and technology providers has been amazing. One of my favorite moments that occurred today was when a representative from Sprint asked me what they could do for student affairs and technology.
While student affairs folks might be in the minority at this conference, I am enthusiastic about the potential opportunities that I am seeing for partnerships and collaborations with academic affairs practitioners and technology solution innovators. It's all about asking how student affairs can tap into the massive amounts of knowledge and expertise that is present at an event like EDUCAUSE. I can't wait for day 3.
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