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One of my favorite personal learning networks (PLN) is the #SAchat. Student Affairs practitioners gather every week to chat via Twitter about a topic that is relevant to the field. Using the hashtag "#sachat," discussions cover everything from first year experience ideas, mobile technology, social media, work balance, wellness and student development theory. This month marks the one year anniversary of the #SAchat. The #SAchat hashtag has become a staple of the student affairs Twitter community. It really did "explode with awesomeness" after it was demoed at the 2010 NASPA Annual Conference.
I first found out about the #SAchat in September of 2009 when I received a direct message from one of the creators of the chat - Debra Sanborn. Her message was simple, but it captured my attention: "We have the beginnings of an #sachat going." I was intrigued. When the other co-founder, Tom Krieglstein, posted a tweet in October of 2009 with the #sachat hashtag, I was hooked. While I haven't been able to "attend" every #SAchat, I have been able to participate frequently and read through the weekly chat transcripts.
I can say without hesitation that if you are in student affairs (and/or interested in the profession) and are interested in seeing how social media can be a place for learning, networking and making connections, then you need to check out the #SAchat.
A thorough review of the #SAchat can be found in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Do you tweet? Follow me on Twitter.