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Telling your campus story with drones and vlogs

There are two forms of visual storytelling that I've been paying a lot of attention to lately - vlogs and drone videos. I can't stop watching aerial-composed videos...there are so many spectacular shots. Plus, some vloggers are showcasing a high degree of filmmaking/storytelling via short daily clips. It should come as no surprise that higher education institutions are the perfect visual canvas for drone-created videos and perhaps someday we'll see the rise of the official "university admissions vlogger." From Oxford to Cincinnati to Stillwater to New York City, here are some of my recent favorites when it comes to drone videos and vlogs:

Stuart Fowkes, Head of Digital at the University of Oxford, shared a gorgeous "drone video of Oxford" last week. The music, style, and quality make for an epic video of the world-renowned university.

Santa J. Ono, President of the University of Cincinnati, is always sharing great stuff on Twitter. While this clip isn't from an official university account, it still does a great job of showing off the "hottest college in America."

Joe Kuffner, Associate Director for News and Content Strategy at the University of Portland, curates phenomenally good social media work from higher education institutions at Social Media for Colleges.

While this video from Oklahoma State University doesn't just use drone-based footage, it does have a nice selection of campus shots. Plus, the music and voiceover fit perfectly with the clip's imagery. My only issue with this video is that it might be a bit too long for some viewers. At over 3 minutes in length, that's a lot of time for the average viewer.

In this overhead clip, Harvard University shows that you don't always have to shoot campus footage when the weather is perfect. In fact, this video is exceptional because the campus is covered in a blanket of snow.

For more on higher education + vlogging, please check out "5 lessons we can learn from vloggers" by Ellie Lovell of Pickle Jar Communications.

And finally, while not related to higher education, I had to include my current favorite daily vlogger. Casey Neistat is a filmmaker and resident of New York City. His channel on YouTube is made up of wonderful examples of how you can use web-based videos to tell compelling stories. Neistat started a vlog this year and has posted 91 consecutive videos of his daily life. Trust me, once you start watching, you won't be able to stop.

Telling a story with a vlog is what makes vlogging so powerful. Can you captivate your viewers on a daily basis?

Do you have a vlog at your university? Do you make amazing videos of your campus using drones? Please feel free to share any/all links to your institution's best vlogs and/or drone clips in the comments below.


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