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My initial response to an invitation to review the new Livescribe Sky wifi smartpen began with a polite rejection: "Thanks for the email. I have to be honest, I'm just not that interested in this technology." The reason for my pushback was that I am already fairly entrenched in my note-taking habits. A classic Moleskine with a Uni-Ball Signo is my preferred method for jotting down ideas, notes, etc. When I'm sans paper and pen, I tend to use my iPad with a Bamboo stylus and either Paper (by FiftyThree) or the Bamboo Paper app. I outlined this to a very nice public relations rep. Undeterred, she informed me that the new smartpen allows notes to be automatically synced (via wifi) to Evernote which makes them readily available on tablets and smartphones. After three emails, I caved. I figured I would give it a try and see if a smartpen with wifi was worth it. Surprisingly, it is.

Now, I should offer up a gigantic caveat: the Livescribe Sky wifi smartpen is not for me. I've been honing my preferred methods of curation, doodling, and note-taking for several decades. However, for anyone who has been a Livescribe smartpen owner in the past, I can say with complete confidence that this pen is a necessity. Being able to sync your notes to the cloud is an awesome benefit and I've been told by a couple of diehard users that this is a wonderful upgrade.

One more thing about the Livescribe Sky wifi smartpen is that the ability for offices that engage in note-taking for students is greatly enhanced. Schools that have note-taking as a service for students with disabilities should demo this pen when they get a chance. Being able to record audio snippets and the text that you've written is really neat.


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