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Get your blog on

There are so many places to publish content on the web. If you're interested in writing and cultivating your craft, the web remains the easiest place to "get your blog on."

Here are my top picks for writing, publishing, and posting to the web:

  • WordPress - My first experience as a blogger began with the self-hosted version of WordPress back in 2004. Since then, the platform has become the go-to site for writers, bloggers, and content creators. The dot com version of WordPress is a solid publishing platform that can be used for all sorts of creative endeavors. For those of you who want a custom URL, WordPress can serve as a great host / backend for your personalized web presence. I've been using WordPress for almost a decade and it's still one of the most versatile tools for creative content creators. Also, WordPress is exceptionally accessible and mobile-friendly.
  • Tumblr - Yes, it has a lot of animated gifs on it. However, Tumblr has emerged as a top spot for writers on the web. While most users tend to write short, blog-form pieces, the site serves up a nice bit of community and Tumblr's mobile app is super sweet.
  • Medium - A relative newcomer to the web content scene, Medium has been one of my favorite places to find new content. In a web sphere where insightful content can sometimes be scarce, Medium serves up a cleanly designed publishing space that is focused on the art of writing. Plus, the mobile app for Medium is fast-becoming one of my go-to places for reading while on the move.
  • LinkedIn - Whenever I'm asked about "the next big thing," my answer is usually pretty simple: LinkedIn. The social site for professional networking activities, LinkedIn's push into the publishing scene is quickly showing the site's focus on being a major space for writers and content creators.

Where are you writing on the web?


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