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Accomplishing something with your content creation and engagement strategy

You may have noticed this already, but there's a lot of content on the web these days. Posts, tweets, videos, snaps, blogs, updates, photos, and stories. There's so much happening on so many channels that it's difficult at times to parse the lot of it.

With so many channels to choose from, you would think that people (and their organizations) would maintain a sharp focus on strategy, outcomes, and goals. However, due to the distributed nature of social media, there's been a tendency for dilution.

People are posting, but does it matter? That's the question that should always be asked.

(Quality) Content Matters - There's a lot of static on the social web. People are vying for attention and flooding the space has become the go-to tactic. However, if your remit is student engagement, always remember that your content has to be worthwhile to your audience. Give them something that adds value to their experience. Posting for the sake of posting is not a strategy.

Focus Your Efforts - One or two channels where you are crafting amazing content is far better than a swarm of "meh-inducing" pieces. Hone, minimize, and keep a steady amount of restraint with your social media engagement. Be brave, experiment, and evolve, but don't load up too many spinning (social media) plates.

Connection, Community, and Sharing - Engagement requires a conversation. Building community happens when everyone is feeling heard. If your content misses the context of what your community is "talking" about, your carefully constructed missives will rarely be shared and connections will not be fostered. Spend some time cultivating and tending...that will make your content creation much more meaningful.

Achievement and Analysis - Measure, observe, and analyze your social media engagement efforts. Find meaning in the metrics and align them with your overall strategic communications plan. You would be surprised with how many departments and organizations never ever, ever, ever do anything with their social media data in conjunction with other measurables.

...and always remember this last point.

The Method Requires Time and Energy - The most precious resources for any and all practitioners are time and energy. Treating social media engagement as "an accessory to the 'real' work" will always leave your digital efforts lacking. Be considerate with your time. Engage your inner curiosity and learn what works for your particular functional area in terms of utilizing social media for engagement. The more time you spend learning how to best use digital channels, the easier it will be to know when, how, why, and where to share your carefully crafted content.


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