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1. Is open online learning the new journal?  

2. Is open online learning the new conference?

3. Is the creation and running of a MOOC the new way to plant a thought leadership flag?

4. Should your school (and mine) create and teaching open online courses at scale around differentiating academic strengths?

5. Are MOOCs a viable method to highlight leading faculty thinkers?

6. Would a department or program ever coalesce around an open online course in the same way that editing a journal from campus can accomplish?

7. Will providing opportunities for graduate students to develop and teach MOOCs be thought of as a desirable aspect of professional socialization into the discipline?

8. How can MOOCs get to a place where they have the same intellectual and cultural impact of a book?

9. Do we have examples of where creating, moderating, and experiencing open online learning has moved a discipline or area of study forward?

10. Have new discipline specific (rather than pedagogically oriented) ideas come out of MOOCs?

11. What would a MOOC built around the model of a symposium, rather than a course or a community, look like?

12. Would an sMOOC (symposium) be a good addition to cMOOCs (connectivist) and xMOOCs (based on traditional courses) - sMOOCs designed to further thinking in a discipline?

13. If MOOCs are reconceptualized around the goal of advancing thought leadership then what are the success metrics that we should use?

14. If MOOCs are conceptualized within a framework of advancing disciplinary thinking does that change how we have been evaluating the ROI of creating and running courses?

15. Will the development and teaching of MOOCs designed for intellectual leadership ever be counted as part of the promotion and tenure calculus?

16. What are the questions around thought leadership and Open Online Learning that we should be asking?


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