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Wondering if you qualify as an edtech nerd?
How many of the following statements describe you?
1. You know that MOOCs did not start with those AI guys at Stanford.
2. You have strong opinions about the WebCT user interface.
3. You curate your own display of your old laptops and cell phones in your office.
4. You have vowed that if you ever plan a conference or event that you will put power strips freakin everywhere.
5. You have fond memories of hanging out with very smart people at a Sakai or Moodle event.
6. You understand the difference between "lecture capture" and "presentation capture" and have some thoughts about both.
7. You have worked with an instructor to incorporate Twitter, Flickr, and Pinterest into a single class.
8. You were pushing open education on your campus before Thomas Friedman ever even talked about higher ed.
9. You get excited when you talk about multi-tenant cloud architecture.
10. You are depressed that you will no longer get to dance with Michael Chasen at Blackboard World.
11. You still talk fondly about Macromedia's e-learning products.
12. You wish you came up with the term "flipped classroom" as you were pushing for this for years but could never explain it in two words.
13. You have experienced both moments of existential dread and existential happiness (sometimes simultaneously) on the EDUCAUSE conference vendor floor.
14. You know what the IMS e-learning standards are and you give a damn.
15. You have said more than 100 times "have you thought about about a Wiki for that"?
16. You spend your nights and weekends on
17. You have used the words "small pieces loosely joined" in the same sentence as "interoperability".
18. You not only have an external keyboard for your iPad, you had one for your Palm Pilot.
20. You have personally participated in an educational exercise that overwhelmed a classroom WiFi access point.
21. You dream of sharing a caramel macchiato with Stephen Downes and Daphne Koller, and you are even buying!
22. You know what letters in "ECAR" and "ELI" stand for.
23. You have said the word "WYSIWYG editor" to a faculty member.
24. If you hear one person say the words "disruptive innovation" to justify their inane e-learning idea you might have a stroke.
25. You can't wait every year for the appearance of the Horizon Report.
26. You have strong opinions about "open source" vs. "community source".
27. You have both the Canvas and Blackboard apps on your iOS device.
28. You wonder about how so many of the most interesting e-learning people could possibly all come from Australia (population 22.62 million).
29. You can't decide who is cooler, Michael Feldstein or Phil Hill.
30. You are thinking of a pilgrimage to Canada just to hang out with the Desire2Learn team.
31. You have some good ideas about how to monetize a MOOC.
32. You wonder if the words "active learning" have been used so many times in so many different contexts that they no longer hold any meaning.
33. Your family has really no idea what you do at work all day long.
What would you add to this list?