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What are you ideas about the importance and future of campus media management?
How is your campus managing all the media that is being created by lecture capture, student video projects, the digitization of curricular videos, and the uploading of clips into your course management system?
Do you have a platform that allows for the upload, transcoding, tagging, searching, streaming, and embedding of curricular media?
Can your professors easily publish video to their courses, find video that has already been used in other classes, and control access to who is able to view individual pieces of media?
Do you have a media delivery system that allows your students to consume class media on various devices, from the iPads to the Web?
Are you able to track how video is utilized on campus, understanding who is watching what, where they are watching it, and what platforms they are using?
Can your students create, edit, share, and display media from course projects, and find other media that other students have produced?
On Tuesday, I'm participating in a Kaltura sponsored webinar "The Future of Media in Education & Launch of the Kaltura Cross-Campus Education Suite". The webinar registration page includes the text:
"In the face of the rich-media revolution, educational institutions are beginning to use video to power every aspect of campus life - from teaching and learning and distance education, to digital asset management, research, and public communications…Please join Inside Higher Ed blogger and researcher, Dr. Joshua Kim for a cutting edge discussion on why media management systems are becoming a crucial piece of technology for any future-looking institution and an analysis of key use cases and approaches to requirements development."
I hope you attend the webinar, and check out what Kaltura has to offer. I also hope that you check out the other campus media management platforms, including ShareStream, Ensemble Video and Accordent. Am I missing any? Where is Adobe?
If you have experience with any of these companies for campus media management please let us know what you have learned.
Campus media management is one of these areas where I have more questions than answers. I see that managing campus media is vitally important. I believe that campus media management systems will be the next major platform to gain widespread adoption in higher education, following course management systems and lecture capture system. I am convinced that incorporating media into teaching is vitally important as one building block to facilitate active learning, and that media literacy will join other skills (writing, critical reading, analytical skills) as an essential competency for college graduates. And I think we all need to have discussions about balancing the needs of media rights holders with the needs of our students to create with media.
What I don't know is what platforms or tools we will need to invest in to meet our campus media needs. Like many of you, I'm also involved in projects to analyze and make recommendations about campus media platforms. I've been very impressed with the people and products from all the major vendors mentioned above, although I have yet to fully get my head around which platform I think is right for our media needs. I'm hoping that by participating in these discussions, by engaging as actively as possible with the vendors and the potential and existing user community, that I'll be able to provide the best possible recommendations.
What is your strategy to get your head around your campus media needs, and make recommendations about the available platforms? If you are further down this road, what advice would you give to the rest of us?