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Charles Barkley is the only professional sports talking head actually worth watching.

And Charles Barkley does not Tweet.

During the halftime shows for this year NCAA men’s tournament Sir Charles made a point of saying that he is not on Twitter.

What was amusing was that while the former Round Mound of Rebound was declaring his independence from Twitter Nation, TNT would constantly scroll @BarkleyonTNT beneath his name.

Barkley was indeed on Twitter for a brief time in 2011.  Where in a fit of social media non-productivity he produced a grand total of 21 Tweets and followed 12 users.  Sir Charles has still managed to collect 3,607 followers, a number that may tell us something about assigning too much value to Twitter metrics.

If you are a non-Tweeter as well apparently you are in good company.

I’d wager, however, is that your employer does not go out of its way to promote your almost non-existent Twitter account.

Why would TNT advertise Barkley’s Twitter handle when Barkley himself both declines to Tweet and relishes in making fun those people that do?

My guess is that the social media gurus at TNT couldn’t help themselves.  They reflexively slap a social media gloss on anything (or anyone) associated with the brand, even when there is no logical social media connection.

Some things that we do in higher ed should be told through our social media channels.  But not everything.  

Social media is not a communications strategy.  Rather, social media is one of the platforms in which we can execute our communications strategy.  

Confusing the two will result in a mismatch between the substance and the medium.  It will ring as false as sending people to Charles Barkley’s Twitter page.

How do you see social media being used both well and badly at your institution?

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