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Totally excited to see On Being Presidential: A Guide for College and University Leader (with an IHE tie-in) available in paper and e-book.

When I clicked on the ad on IHE today I was taken to this site

$40 bucks for the paper version, and $19.99 for the e-book.

What was surprising was that the Jossey-Bass site seemed to indicate the e-book is only available in Adobe e-book format. The Adobe e-book format is not compatible with a Kindle reader. See the list of supported Adobe e-book devices.

This was initially depressing, as I'd want to read it on my Kindle.

But then, just to check, I went over to the Amazon Kindle site - and the book available in Kindle version (for $17.99). Great Rejoicing.

This left me with some questions:

  • Why would the ad in IHE point to the Jossey-Bass publisher site, instead of to Amazon? Does the publisher (and the author) get more revenue if it is purchased on this site?
  • Why wouldn't the Jossey-Bass site have a link back to the Amazon page selling the Kindle? Many people I think would hit the ad, go the the Jossey-Bass site, see the e-book was not Kindle compatible - and quit.   Why would the publisher not want to give the book buyer as many options as possible?
  • Does the fact that Jossey-Bass has an Adobe e-book option make this book more academic library friendly?
  • Is there a bigger story about the e-book market, publishers and sellers embedded in the smaller story about On Being Presidential?

Anyway, I downloaded the Kindle sample (first chapter), and I'm looking forward to previewing the book to see if I want to add it to my collection.

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